Windows 10 Dell Monitor Driver

Windows 10 Dell Monitor Driver

Download the latest Windows drivers for Dell LCD Monitor Driver. Drivers Update tool checks your computer for old drivers and update it. Get latest Dell LCD Monitor.

I have the same problem and have been thru the process with 1) Dell, 2) Microsoft, 3) Nivida, and 4) PNY - no fix is apparent from any of the group and I spent a lot of time finding this out. The obvious problem is the Microsoft Generic PNP Monitor Driver is not capable of reporting back correctly the capabilities of the Monitor and you are limited to a lesser 1024 X 768. What makes the problem such a disaster is no one will standup to the problem and say we are not going to fix it - don't waste your time. Me I got converted by this process to Apple method of support - standup to your problems and fix them. Macbook Pro Windows 10 Wifi Driver more.

I have the same problem and have been thru the process with 1) Dell, 2) Microsoft, 3) Nivida, and 4) PNY - no fix is apparent from any of the group and I spent a lot of time finding this out. The obvious problem is the Microsoft Generic PNP Monitor Driver is not capable of reporting back correctly the capabilities of the Monitor and you are limited to a lesser 1024 X 768. What makes the problem such a disaster is no one will standup to the problem and say we are not going to fix it - don't waste your time. Me I got converted by this process to Apple method of support - standup to your problems and fix them.