Asus G73 Drivers Windows 10

I have an Asus g73jh and after windows 10 upgrade/fresh install starts to freeze. I didnt make it to work, first i thought was the gpu drivers, then maybe the sound. Mfc J4510dw Driver Windows 10 there. Download the latest drivers for your Asus G73Jh to keep your Computer up-to-date.

I've run into an odd problem when trying to clean install Windows 10 64-Bit on my G73JH-A1 using a USB Flash Drive and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. I can boot the G73JH-A1 from my USB Flash Drive that was created by the Media Creation tool located at: When setup starts I can get past where you select your language and keyboard type but then I run into an error that says: A media driver your computer needs is missing. This could be a DVD, USB or Hard Disk driver.

If you have a CD, DVD or USB flash drive with the driver on it Please insert it now. Note: if the installation media is in the windows DVD drive or on a USB drive, you can safely remove it from this step. Any idea how to get around this? I was reading some other posts about this issue that other people are having on other computers and one solution was to use the 32-Bit version instead but I want to use the 64-Bit version. Just for some background info, I was running Windows 8.1 on my G73JH-A1 and upgraded to Windows 10. It upgraded just fine and activated.

I am not having any problems per say however I would feel a whole lot better running a clean install over and above an upgrade. When I clean installed Windows 8.1 on my G73JH-A1 using my USB Flash Drive, I never ran into any issues. Any help for this issue clean installing Windows 10 using my USB Flash Drive would be greatly appreciated. So I recreated my USB Flash Drive to include both 32-Bit and 64-Bit and sure enough the 32-Bit selection works and does not report any missing drivers however the 64-Bit one behaves the same reporting missing drivers. What driver is missing in the 64-Bit that is present in the 32-Bit?

Just wanted to post back that I found a solution to this issue. When installing with a USB Flash drive, when it asks for driver, click Cancel. Then insert the USB drive to a different USB port. Then click Install Now to install and then it worked! Strange solution for a strange issue!

Asus G73sw Windows 10 Drivers

After the Windows 10 clean install was complete, Windows 10 activated successfully on it's own without me having to enter in a license key. My G73JH-A1 is using the default Windows 10 drivers that Windows 10 installed on it's own except for the ATK package for the Hot Keys. Here is the link that works as of 08/12/15 I can't control the screen brightness however everything else works perfectly so far. Hope this helps other G73JH-A1 users. Thanks again. Yes I did enable the OSD in ATK.

When I try to change the brightness, I see the OSD come up with the bar to show the brightness level however the brightness doesn't actually change. A user in this thread found a solution to this issue for Windows 8 however I have not tried it on Windows 10. I'd like to run as is for a little while longer to make sure I have absolutely no issues with Windows 10 before I go messing with the registry.

As it stands, I'm at 6 days without an issue. I've even tried some light gaming.

I installed the original Far Cry and it seems to work best at Medium settings. I tried it at High and Very high however there were several areas where it got really choppy. Well, I was 18 days into my test with Windows 10 on my G73JH-A1 and then out of the blue, it started freezing. I could get to the desktop and then it would freeze without me doing anything.

When I say it would freeze, it was a hard freeze, can't move the mouse pointer, or anything. Only powering off and on again would get it going again. This happened to me on Windows 8.1 occasionally as well. The only solution I had at the time was to reinstall. I thought perhaps my laptop was dying so I went back to Windows 7 and it never froze once. So then I started thinking it was a Windows 8.1 issue and that Windows 10 would resolve the freezing.

Because Windows 10 freezes too. Fortunately I have discovered a new solution. I solved my freezing issues in Windows 10 by uninstalling the ATI Catalyst Control Center only. Leave the ATI display drivers alone. You need them. Only uninstall the ATI Catalyst Control Center.

It's nice to have but not 100% necessary. I got this tip from a friend who had some issues with HP computers running ATI graphics cards and freezing. Anyway, I tried it (uninstalling the ATI Catalyst Control Center) and I was lucky enough to be able to uninstall this without the machine freezing and then I rebooted. Now everything is running fine again. So now I'm at 9 days without any issues.

Let's keep our fingers crossed! Well, I was 18 days into my test with Windows 10 on my G73JH-A1 and then out of the blue, it started freezing. I could get to the desktop and then it would freeze without me doing anything. When I say it would freeze, it was a hard freeze, can't move the mouse pointer, or anything. Only powering off and on again would get it going again. This happened to me on Windows 8.1 occasionally as well. The only solution I had at the time was to reinstall.

I thought perhaps my laptop was dying so I went back to Windows 7 and it never froze once. So then I started thinking it was a Windows 8.1 issue and that Windows 10 would resolve the freezing.

Because Windows 10 freezes too. Fortunately I have discovered a new solution. I solved my freezing issues in Windows 10 by uninstalling the ATI Catalyst Control Center only. Leave the ATI display drivers alone. You need them.

Only uninstall the ATI Catalyst Control Center. It's nice to have but not 100% necessary.

I got this tip from a friend who had some issues with HP computers running ATI graphics cards and freezing. Anyway, I tried it (uninstalling the ATI Catalyst Control Center) and I was lucky enough to be able to uninstall this without the machine freezing and then I rebooted. Now everything is running fine again. So now I'm at 9 days without any issues.

Let's keep our fingers crossed! I am wondering since I have installed windows 10 tree times. Is it still working? Realy appretiate your work!